Englisch-Einstufungstest Austro-American Institute of Education
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John is by far ________ person I know. What do you think?
I go to work _______ bus every day. This is definitely the most convenient way for me.
The prices and rental fees for apartments in Vienna _______ recently. The real estate market is booming.
The new student has not _______ many mistakes at all. I am very glad we decided to accept him in this program.
Please, don't forget to come. The business meetings always begin _______ time. Our boss is very strict.
Alex Coldwell managed that company _______ the late sixties. He still is a legend and everyone working here admires him.
This delightful chair is made _______ wood. Not the material I was originally looking for, but it fits the rest of the furniture.
It is a very _______ chair, isn´t it? At least it seems to be.
My bike is completely_______. I have to find someone to repair it or look into other options. E-bikes are big these days. Do you think I should look into those?
Sarah, I can't hear a word of what he is saying on the phone. Please, turn the music _______.
Our sales _______ up over the last years. Great for us, especially as this is completely against the general market. Finally, all the hard work pays off.
I _______ in this company for more than 10 years. I am thinking of doing something different in the future. Now I am still young enough to make a change.
If our business continues to grow like that, we _______ market leaders in a few years. The company is really performing well.
If we _______ market leaders, I could most likely negotiate a higher salary with my boss. He might actually offer it himself.
Can I _______ you to Mr. Peterson? He is the new head of marketing. I think the two of you have something in common. If I am not mistaken, Mr. Peterson also graduated from Columbia.
Hello, I am _______ to meet you. We have heard a lot about you. I was in the Class of '93 at Columbia Business School. You seem to be much younger though, Mr. Peterson.
Presently, I _______ for the Austro-American Institute of Education, the oldest English speaking cultural institute of Austria.
This institute _______ in the first district of Vienna and was founded in 1926, duringthe interwar period. The idea of lasting peace was one of the main forces leading to the foundation of the institute.
It is _______ the Vienna State Opera. What an excellent location! Right in the historic center of Vienna.
Once you enter the building you come into a beautiful courtyard. The office and the classrooms are _______ the first floor.
There are about 30 _______ teaching for the AAIE. They are carefully selected. Quality is so important and teaching is a truly complex job. Many people underestimate the job and the skills you need.
Many of the trainers come from countries _______ the United States, Canada, England or Australia, some even come from South Africa. What they all share is a passion for teaching and the love to work with people.
English language training is AAIE's specialty. The institute offers _______ 30 English language courses.
Courses vary in size, level and intensity. In the lower-level courses, we teach _______ skills.
The institute has various classrooms. They are different in _______.
The summer heat has been unbearable so far. There is a storm coming. The clouds look _______.
The new teacher who has been hired by the advisory board _______ me of John Upright.
Oh no! I made a _______ again. I am not sure if bookkeeping is my kind of thing. I am not exact enough.
Well, it was not really an easy problem you _______. Actually, it was a rather complex matter.
Yes, it was a highly _______ matter one could say but still the figures need to be correct in the end and they weren´t.
Think about it again. The solution to that problem is not that _______. I am sure you can figure it out.
The President of the United States of America is _______ at the end of January. The elections take place earlier.
It is believed that he will represent the country in a very _______ way. What do you think?
His actual background is the _______ business, but I think he also worked at several banks.
I heard he was also _______ at a big international agency.
True. I was really surprised _______ to go into politics. Personally, I would not have done that, but the power factor might have been the reason.
If he _______ in his old job he would have made more money. Politics doesn´t pay that well after all.
You are right. I don't know if it was a smart decision _______ the old job but we need to respect his decision.
All I can say is that if I _______ in the lottery I will buy a big house. I am pretty sure I would also quit my present job.
Not me. If I _______ I'd be happy, but I would certainly continue working. I think that just hanging around can get boring after a while.
Had I won the big house, I _______ my entire family to move in. That could be cool. A huge family like in the good old days...
They own a lovely country house up in Vermont. As far as I know they _______ it last year, didn´t they?
Yes, last year or the year before. I can't remember now. What I do know, is that they spent $300,000.00 on the house. That is a rather large amount of money if you consider that they make _______ than $40,000.00 a year.
I think I heard they inherited some money from John´s mother. Anyway, that sounds like a small fortune. It's really _______ money. Maybe they had some savings too?
Well, that is none of our business really, but we should not forget that the costs to maintain the house are _______ low.
I hope they _______ in Vermont. The place where their house is, is pretty remote. Definitely gorgeous, but in the middle of nowhere.
I still hope we get _______ one day. It sounds like a great party location.
I understand that the phone lines _______ within the next hour or so. Let´s keep our fingers crossed.
Exactly, all the technicians have to do is _______ the new router...
...and then our own internal software specialist _______ this device. This incident has shown us again how much we depend on our infrastructure.